Report & Public Statement Templates

Amnesty Microsoft Word templates for the creation of Research Reports, Research Briefings and Public statements, including detailed instructions on usage.
Amended 08/2022


Research Reports
Designed to document substantive research findings that are new, major and in-depth and original to Amnesty International. A research report analyses human rights problems on the basis of international law, builds up a case for change and presents potential solutions to the problems. The case for change and solutions form the basis of campaigning and advocacy work.

The maximum length is 25,000 words (including footnotes), unless permission is obtained from the Senior Director for Research, Advocacy and Policy. There is no absolute minimum length but reports are likely to be over 5,000 words.


Research briefings are designed to provide background research, analysis and policy calls on a theme, region, country or single or multiple cases or incidents with a view to supporting campaigning and advocacy work. Research briefings are based on substantive Amnesty International research and analysis. However, they are unlikely to meet all the criteria of reports, namely that the research is new, major and in-depth and original to Amnesty International. This may be because:

  • the findings have already been published by Amnesty International, but are being repackaged, possibly with updates;
  • the findings rely heavily on secondary research;
  • the findings are interim, such as during ongoing court cases or following research missions.

The maximum length of research briefings is 15,000 words (including footnotes). There is no absolute minimum length but research briefings are likely to be over 2,000 words.


Public statements are intended to present Amnesty International’s position for the record outside of the news cycle on the topic. In addition, they present the rationale for that position. Public statements typically present Amnesty International’s position on a human rights development or individual case or explain an advocacy call. Sometimes Amnesty International issues joint statements with other organizations.

Public statements have a maximum length of 5,000 words (including footnotes). No minimum length but likely to be over 500 words. Public statements should not be published with a press release as the format is an alternative to a press release. There are versions in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.